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Unlock Your Genetic Potential

Updated: Dec 14, 2022

Fright. And fight to win Take action. Take responsibility

From the Inside Out

Whatever you may be fighting against, be it mental health, obesity, depression, body dis-morphia, low self esteem, eating disorder, the list goes on... you name it(!) Work on it from the inside out. Most of us go the other way, working from the outside in; as if to say the stimulus we get on the outside are more powerful than what we may have within. That's not true.

A moment to illustrate this briefly... say: happiness. When we speak of this, (as elusive as some may think), most people seek it from friends, or people or situations. In this manner, begging the world to give it to them. But as we sit and wait, we feel as though it may never come. That is true. Because it never will, not if we do nothing. Why is that? Simply put: because our happiness does not come from the things we own, from things outside of us, but from ourselves - from within.

So too with the body, health and fitness. Eat well, and start feeding your cells with higher grade building materials. It really does come down to the quality of the food you eat. Take care of your gut and what your gut feeds the rest of body by making a more careful consideration on your nutrition. Adding tropical fruits in our diet can help, as many of them contain properties that help fight off cancer. Giving you a fighting chance before such illnesses even get a chance to develop. Prevention is better than cure.

A State of Well-Being

Happiness, as stated above, is a state of well-being that is characterized by relative permanence, by emotion; ranging from mere contentment to deep and intense joy in living, and by a natural desire for it to continue. It thus differs from mere pleasure, which may come about simply through chance contact and stimulation.

So you see, happiness is way too important for to be looked at from without (or from the outside). Better is to look for it from within.

The same goes for your body. Your genetic potential is unlocked from the inside out. Work on it from what put in the inside, mind and body, and this will be expressed on the outside. Work on yourself wholeheartedly, as you can only reap what you sew.

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