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Join Us in Building a Fitness Legacy at the University of Goldsmiths!

We're calling on you to help us raise vital awareness and support for the establishment of the GHOOSE Fitness Studio on the campus of the University of Goldsmiths. With your generous donations, we aim to bring a state-of-the-art fitness facility to New Cross, filling the void left by the closure of the local gym back in 2020.

Why Support GHOOSE Fitness Studio?

  • Community Impact: The people of New Cross deserve a dedicated fitness space on campus, fostering a healthier and more vibrant community.

  • Long Overdue: It's been far too long since our community had access to a fitness centre. Your donation can finally bring this essential resource back to our neighbourhood.

  • Empowerment: By contributing, you're not just donating money; you're making a tangible difference in the lives of students, faculty, and residents who rely on accessible fitness facilities.

Your Donation Matters:

  • Every donation, no matter the size, carries significant weight in this endeavour. Your support is crucial in making the GHOOSE Fitness Studio a reality.

  • By donating, you're not only investing in bricks and mortar; you're investing in the health and well-being of our community, both now and for generations to come.

How to Show Your Support:

  • Join us in our mission by making a donation today. Your contribution will be instrumental in bringing this much-needed fitness facility to fruition.

  • Spread the word! Share our cause with friends, family, and colleagues who share our vision for a healthier, more active community.

Early Sign-up Benefits:

  • In addition to making donations, you may also show your support by signing up early to GHOOSE Fitness Studio. Only 2500 spaces are reservable, with some of these spaces allocated to a discount of 45% off the monthly price of £100 per month.

  • Secure your spot early and enjoy exclusive discounts while supporting our cause!

What's in Store for You?

  • GHOOSE will bring a wide range of amenities and services to the Fitness Studio, including:

    • Fitness classes led by experienced instructors.

    • Fresh produce options for healthy nutrition.

    • Personal training sessions tailored to your fitness goals.

    • Expert guidance from nutritionists to support your wellness journey.

    • Massage therapy for relaxation and recovery.

    • And, of course, the much-anticipated brand-new fitness studio equipped with state-of-the-art facilities.


Join Us Today:

Together, let's transform the University of Goldsmiths into a hub of fitness, wellness, and community engagement. Your donation holds the power to make a lasting impact, and we thank you for your support in this important endeavour.

We thank you for your support!


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